Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Here and There and Somewhere Else

Jax and I visited the neighbor across the river last week. Stopped by the campground I nearly drowned at ten or so years ago. Water was still and a small pond versus being part of the river. 

Then we went by the Potash Boat Ramp to see if we could get service with the new walkie talkies. We can't.

Pulled into the former Caveman Ranch, forgot to ask what they call it now. Guy yelled at me to get out and I said "I'm your neighbor. Agent said you wanted to be a good neighbor and you were gonna come see me, you didn't." He said "She didn't tell me. Come on in." We talked for an hour or so. James Maybe. Seems like a nice guy. Ask what he was gonna do with it and he said "Don't know. Had a couple meetings but haven't agreed on anything. Not really my call." They put solar in the building and an osmosis system that collected water from the river but didn't work very well. He said he'd email me so I had a way to contact him. That was about it. Didn't really learn anything except they're not in a hurry.

Jax and I are taking short hikes around the property. Our feet need a break and we're both sore. Went to town today and saw a hiker coming down the pass with walking sticks. I said "Hayduke or Discovery?" He said "Hayduke. Trail name Toothpick." I sent him to the lodge to water up before his 48 miles down Lockhart Basin to Needles Outpost but he said they were closed for the winter but he would stock up.

Couple minutes later we run into two couples and a dog walking down Hurrah. Said they're on the way to play Disc Golf but their motor home wouldn't make it up Hurrah so they hiked it. I told them I'd hurry up in town and try and get back in time to give them a ride back.
I met a friend at the post office I hadn't seen in a long time. She was sort of glowing. Said she had an attack of some sort. Her intestines, nine feet of them as I recall or something like that, got all knotted up and twisted around each other and she died. She crossed over. She said she was welcomed by her family who were waiting for her and they had a brief very happy reunion. She said it was so amazing. Then a voice told her "Not yet. They'll have to wait." She woke up in the Moab Regional Hospital. The bill was hundred plus thousand while she was in there. She hadn't got insurance and now is in a tough position. Still she wakes up every day with a big smile happy to be alive. That's about all I can say of what she told me but my word the glow around her, so happy and now she knows what is waiting for her. That's all I could think about on the drive back. Got back just as the hiking disc golfers were finishing up and gave them a side by side ride back to their motor home almost to the bottom of the other side of Hurrah.

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