Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The Canyonlands

 On Friday at the Star Hall in Moab they showed The Canyonlands which was filmed almost completely here on the property. I had errands to do so I went in at 3pm as the town mostly closes down by 5pm. Doors opened at 6pm and I was there already and movie started at 7pm. There were about 60 or so people there. No one I knew from the movie. It was a cool setting seeing it indoors in a theatre setting. Was weird to see Linny in the movie playing on the big screen. We'd watched it a couple times in the living room but this was different.

Some of the characters were not very likable and the crowd applauded when the stuck up girl got killed. That appeared to be the case each time a character got killed. There was quite a bit of applause when it ended. I went outside in the parking area and listened to people talk and there was a group of seven close to me. They talked about certain lines that characters said and how they died. As they were breaking up one lady said "That was fun. I'm glad we got to see it together." I'm glad I went. Despite it being a horror movie it brought an enjoyable time to everyone that was there.

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