Sunday, October 10, 2021

We're All Caught Up

 For the first time in months after this post I'll be caught up in posts for the blog and every picture I've taken will have a home. 

This is the hogan I'm trying to buy so I can live close to the lodge in case they need help or for me to fill in if somebody goes somewhere. At the moment we don't have a deal but we're working on it. If it doesn't happen I have to find a place to build something on the property or go somewhere else. I guess I could stay here but I think it would feel weird.

James Maybe, a rich real estate guy has purchased Cave Man Ranch or Tangren-La depending on which member of the Tangren family owned it at the time. I've heard two stories that they are going to leave it much like it is and just rent to rich people, fly them in, give them tours, and fly them out. I doubt it. When you pay six million you're going to have to turn it into something similar to Red Cliffs lodge to get your money back and make it a fancy place.
The lodge and next door are staying pretty busy. Almost completely booked through the end of the month and probably will be close to Thanksgiving. I'm $20,000 short of beating last year's records and that could fall this month.
Something huge in the way of rock fall fell of the Anti-Cline at 5am this morning. I at first thought it was a lightning strike followed by rolling thunder but it wasn't that. The Earth was moving. Seemed very close to the two smaller ones we're had in the last month or so.

I think this is the third day of Collin and Nate both being here at the same time and the TO DO list is melting away. They are both very good so far and as a result I'm getting caught up on stuff I was suppose to do a long time ago.

Kobae still won't go down in his hole so it's extra work having somebody hang around so he doesn't knock doors off the hinges again. I'm nervous and excited at the same time about what comes next for me, and Jax, and Kobae.

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