Monday, October 18, 2021

The Change Over

 Life is pretty good. Collin is taking over more of my duties each day. Every morning for weeks now I give him four or five more things to do and to watch for those things I haven't told him about before. Only now do I realize how massive the list of stuff I had to do each day was. Nate is a go-getter. First time since Linda and Linny I've had two good people or even one really. Each day I get a small pack and head out with Jax and Kobae. We follow Kobae's lead which is sometimes dangerous as his vantage point and decision making process comes from the view of six inches off the ground.

On this day Kobae went out the drive way and straight to the other side of the road. I'd completely forgotten I had five or ten acres up there so we wandered around awhile as I looked for something to build on but it's too close to the intersection with all the traffic going to Chicken Corner.

Mushrooms are growing pretty good when they get fertilized by cow poop.

Everywhere we go lot of people get out of their vehicles and walk with us or just stop and watch as we're hiking.

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