Saturday, February 22, 2014

Amasa Back (Day Thirteen)

Tom has ask Evelyn to join him today. They have hiked together before and Evelyn knows a lot about the various tribes and their habitat. Evelyn spots mud on the ceilings of the overhangs much like Grand Gulch but nobody seems to know why.
Tom thinks this looks like a plant of some sort that got engulfed in the rock and Evelyn believes that there is a chemical reaction in a crack in the rock. Evelyn and Tom find seven more Spanish petroglyphs only one of which you can see very well with out highlighting. Another painted pottery sherd and more corrugated pottery sherds.
There's a red line running down the rock, appears natural. Just to the left of it and center screen there's a little Martian looking guy. Can you see the what was red and white sash running across his chest?
In order, hammer, knife, hammer well used, grinding stone, and tool bench.

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