Monday, January 17, 2022

Dripping Springs

 Jax and I have been on a re-discovery tour. So busy for the last three years we hardly visited the places we use to know well. Now with some time to ourselves we're revisiting the places we haven't been to in so long. A. To see if things still are as they were. B. To see if there's something new or that we many have missed over the years. C. To help out the cowboys and see if we can find any cows they might have left behind.

We come across these occasionally. A five by five foot area fenced off for an unknown reason. Maybe ten years ago, four young people showed up at the lodge and said they were with the Department of something or Bureau of another and their job was they get assigned 100 by 100 foot parcels of ground and they go check on them. Somebody has been keeping track of them for years. I don't know why. They show me coordinates and I look it up and half of it is on top of the Amasa Back and the other half at the bottom of the Amasa Back so you have to climb Jackson/Jacobs Ladder to check out 50 feet of it and back down for the other 50. Maybe this is a mini version of that.
I never really noticed these dried water spots on my camera lens until now but these are pretty cool. Maybe I'll clean it.

Nate is with us on this day but he wandered off to go climb something and said he'd meet us at the truck so we're still out cow looking.

Dripping Springs is back behind the Wind Caves and we find an area in one of the little side canyons don't look too much different than the Wind Caves.

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