Friday, September 5, 2014

2nd Attempt

Despite pushing a broom with light and camera as far back as he could Tom still couldn't see the end of the tunnel Kobae has dug. The tunnel takes a right hand turn and goes down. Tom has turned a shovel upside down and attached light and camera to it. A disc golfer has showed up and if Tom kicks his feet then the tunnel has collapsed and he is to give it his best effort to pull Tom out.


Anonymous said...

Try contacting a local plumber that is willing to run his imaging scope down there.
Brian S.

Tom said...

I found a big hose next door and put two lights and the go pro on it and ran it back a long way. I don't see him or a cave in and I think I see the back of the tunnel. I'm out doing grid searches now and choke points where he'd have to get through to go somewhere.