Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Moving Day for Zorro (Reverse Psychology)
In a long, deep, dark, narrow, tunnel, sits a creature with nails so long and sharp the Wicked Witch of the West looks like she's a grooming specialist. Teeth that make a shark look like a guppy. So much attitude that just the capital A in attitude takes up a full page in Funk and Wagnall. Today's mission Johnny and Tom, is to make sure that creature comes out because it wants to come out, and once out, never wants to go back in. Tom has passed on frontal assault, fire crackers, and smoke bombs. At the grocery store Tom mentions to the checker he has a badger living at the lodge. She says with her family they were in the La Sal Mountains and found a badger trapped in a cage. Her and the kids climbed up a tree and the guys got the door open and released the badger. It's face was all bloody and beat up where it had been ramming the cage trying to get out. It was at that moment a light came on in Tom's head. Kobae and Zorro are much alike. Kobae hates being locked in a room. In the early days Tom would lock him in the laundry room if he was leaving for the day and upon return would find Kobae had rammed the door until the latch broke or the door came off the hinges. Johnny and Tom have sealed up all the cracks and main entrance and think they have locked Zorro inside though neither wanted to crawl down into the tunnel to see a bunch of shiny teeth coming at them to be sure. They've left it so that if Zorro really wants out he can get out but it's going to take a lot of work. He's going to have to ram the front door quite a few times or dig through the frozen earth to get out. Tom has raked all the tracks off the ground. If Zorro is in there and escapes Tom will know which way. If Zorro isn't in there and tries to return Tom will know, unseal it to let Zorro in, then seal it back up. Zorro needs to know that anytime he goes in there he is at risk of getting trapped inside. That's the plan.

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Zorro was a legend and thus a struggle will ensue. He has been aptly named and I look forward to the ongoing battle which I will follow here on the blog.
It's 11:20 at night and I haven't seen Zorro all day. Gone out to the cat food bowl four times and have seen fox, skunk, and Kitty, but no Zorro. I suspect he's in Kobae's hole. If he doesn't bust out tonight I'll loosen up the nails a little tomorrow.
A reminder that in addition to your obvious good and valued characteristics, you can also be sly and devious when the occasion requires!
Competing against my kids in various sports while they were growing up, prior to the competition I would explain to them that the outcome was a foregone conclusion. I would win. Over time it became clear to them also, old age and treachery defeats youth and skill every time. I will be rooting for Manning this weekend.
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