Friday, December 31, 2021

I'm Woke

 There are three, really four feed bowls each night. There is one under the porch that we pour Kit&Kaboodle through the boards to fill up for the skunks and occasional ringtail. There is one out in Kobae's yard for the foxes, and two on the porch for the raccoons. Each morning this time of year there is usually a little bit left in the raccoon bowls. The first thing that wakes Jax and I each morning is the Eurasian doves breaking through the iced up water bowls to drink and eating the last of the food in the bowls. In the past the doves would leave the brown colored ones. The package says liver, chicken, turkey, and ocean fish, apparently that is distinguishable between aquarium or pond, or river fish, I don't know which is which. 

Then I went out in the hallway and got the Kit&Kaboodle package to try and figure out which color is liver, chicken, turkey, or ocean fish but it doesn't say. Instead it says "in four fun shapes!" I hadn't even noticed that. I thought it was just four fun colors but now I realize it's shapes also. There it was staring at me this whole time. Something changed though. The last few days the Eurasian doves have quit eating the dark colored Kit&Kaboodle. Maybe they figure out those two colors are turkey and chicken and they don't want to eat their fellow birds. No problem with the liver and fish. This morning I brought one of the raccoon bowls into the office and set it on the desk. Then a few minutes later looking over at it something kept seeming familiar. Then it hit me and I had never noticed. 
The doves, Eurasian doves, don't like the letters X and O. They are alphabet racists. It's worse they are Tic, Tac, Toe racists. X's and O's aren't good enough to get eaten or maybe they are trying to save them, but more likely they are not good enough for Eurasian doves. All this time I've felt sorry for the Eurasian doves the prime target of larger hawks. They are the slowest fliers with the most meat on them. But now, knowing they are tic, tac, toe racists. No sympathy, come on hawks. Holy scat, I'm woke, well got to go, off to organize a protest and save the world. 

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