Tuesday, December 14, 2021

I got a letter

 Today was a good day. They mostly all are. Especially with my workload lessening. With no guests Jax and are sleeping later each morning. When we rise the first thing we do is walk out and sit on the front steps. Jax gets on my lap and we look out towards the Anti-Cline and down the driveway and I say "Look where we live Jax." He turns his head to the left and licks my face. He knows.

I use to wake with the sun and hike in the early days. There is a quiet excitement in getting out early and hiking. Following the tracks and reading what the little people did last night. Breaking a spider's web on a trail so you know for sure you're the first one going down that trail on this beautiful morning. Who knows what waits over the ridge or behind the rocks or as we drop into a valley? Or hiking out to a nice viewpoint and reading a few chapters of a book, Martian Chronicles comes to mind. You go to the same place three or four days in a row and the rock wrens will hop all around you and tweet to see what you're up to and a few other song birds will make their presence known curled up in rock dens in the area. 

Then things got real busy and that all went away. Now it's slowly coming back. Tonight I'm in the office cleaning out drawers and nooks and crannies of all the things that got stuffed away while it was busy and I said to myself I'd go through them later. Jax is sleeping on his bed next to me on my desk while the wind howls, quiets, then blows through the hollow pipes on the Polaris just enough to sound like faint Indian flutes. 

I just found a letter that was mailed to me back in September. It's very emotional to me and reminds me what I should be doing. I didn't check with the author to see if I could post it but I'm going to and if he/she reads the blog and emails me I'll identify them if it's ok. It's well written. The envelope is addressed "Sir Tom" with the Base Camp address. 

"Dear Tom,

You have many guests and likely won't remember me but my husband, step daughter, and I visited in March of 2021 and stayed in the female hogan. Four stories have stuck with me and all of us, as has our experience on the land. The story about the footprints you followed was especially impactful and has come to mind many times, as I am a writer and seek to share stories with others. Mine, however, are fictional. 

Not sure what compelled me to go to your website today, but I did, then to your blog, where I read your recent updates and all the posting about Verizon, flooding and everything else life is tossing at you in that corner of the world. It sounds busy at the least and chaotic at worst. I certainly hope the phone/wifi problem is solved soon.

We've told lots of friends about your place, but play it pretty close on the location, as we don't want the whole world to find you out. Seems like you're getting pretty swamped without us sending folks your way, but if the traffic over Hurrah Pass, ever dries up, let me know, and I'll send people over. 

Not sure what the proper message is here, but I knew I needed to send you a note, a thank you of sorts, but also a quick word to remind you that your stories are valuable. Not everyone is listening, but they're idiots. Those who listen shall receive. Please keep telling your stories and remember to take care of yourself while you are are out there saving other people's asses. Tell Kobae and Jax hello from some old guests. 

Until next time."

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