Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The Fingers Backward

It's the time of year where when I go to bed each night I look out the window and I see Jupiter shining bright in the night sky. If there's very little moon or no moon the Milky Way is just to the left of it and lately Saturn has been moving along just to the left of the Milky Way. Thirteen years and it's incredible still. Most nights a few guests will sit out on the porch with me when I put food out for the little people. There are three raccoon mothers now bringing their babies. The moms eat the hot dogs and mostly drain the bowls before they let the kids up on the porch so I'm having to refill the bowls before going to bed. There aren't any raccoon fights while the babies are here. It's so peaceful at night.

Five or six foxes most nights. They expect two hot dogs now and they won't leave unless they get two. They'll just sit in the parking lot and stare at you until they get a second one. I haven't normally fed the raccoons hot dogs but I put a few in each bowl for them so they'll show up early so guests can see them. Before they wouldn't come until after midnight. One to three skunks show up most nights and they just don't see to get any bigger. Still so cute. It's a treat if a ringtail shows up of the one to three that still hang around the place.

I've been down at the river the last few days with gobs of mosquito killer spray and repellent cutting the trail to make it more accessible. On Sunday the beach was still five feet under water but today only about four. Looks like it will be an island beach for a little while again and then come back to full a few weeks later, but it's coming. Nobody to include me has gotten in the river since early May but I think it's doable now.

I haven't seen Linny since the movie but she is going to school in Salt Lake this year so probably won't see her for awhile. Michelle is sporadic. She's been here maybe 10 to 15 days total in the last three months so it's been mostly all me doing everything but I've been speaking to Nicole who was part of the Base Camp Trials Club when her, Linny, and I use to ride together and she said she'll come out and help beginning next week for awhile. When Jax is here we'll hike and if Michelle takes off with him for awhile I've got a trials riding partner. If neither are here I'll kayak.

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