Saturday, September 2, 2023

Rocky Mountain High

Taking someone back to their vehicle on the other side of Hurrah in the side by side a few days ago Jax and I came across an American Discovery Trail hiker trail name Rocky Mountain High and real name Brianna. Rocky is not just doing the trail that goes from Delaware to the Golder Gate Bridge. Back in the plains there are two verions of it where you can go north route or the south route. Rocky did both. You would think hiking the width of the country would be plenty for most but she did both routes and when she got to Base Camp a few days ago she was at the 5,500 mile mark. She left on this journey on Jan 1st 2022. Jax and I gave her a side by side tour of the Wind Caves and Chicken Corner figuring she had walked enough for a while.
Rocky stayed a few days to rest up and then there was dirt to pound and she was gone.

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