Saturday, May 28, 2022

Some Things

I haven't found any place to move, nor do I really want to. I was hoping to buy Doug's hogan up on the hill but the price went from six to eight hundred thousand and then when the folks across the river bought the former Caveman Ranch of six or eight million, I forget. Then Doug decided he wants $1.8 million and if the place across the river is a comp it might be worth that and I'm out. Still I might find something or things change so better wrap up all the little things I still have to do. 

Out of all the fossils out here and there are about a billion years worth the one fossil I think is the coolest, though I don't remember it's name anymore is this one that it like an ice cream cone on top. A few years ago it was best somebody leave early and I noticed her carrying a couple boxed to her vehicle but didn't know all the cone fossils were gone off the outside fossil wall until after she was gone. I've been thinking about going to get some more but never made it. 

Last week Jax and I went out there with some guests to find some more but didn't do all that great but found a few to bring back.

They've always been in the ravines between the cliff's edge and the road and only at a certain altitude. You'll walk up and down the ravine, see nothing and then find some close together and then nothing the rest of the ravine.

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