Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Different Kinds of Stuff

The Desert Willow always, always, blooms between May 10th and 14th. This year it didn't bloom until the movie people left on the 24th.
The Cottonwood tree sprouted leaves on four or five branches around the 10th of May and I forgot to water it for five or so days and it gave up. I watered it hard for the last three weeks and went online to see what other options I had and it said to dig a trench around it five feet from the base as that's where the roots are now with it's height but it never forgave me and didn't make a comeback. Today I quit watering it. It's had a hard divot down it for a couple of years and despite an incredibly wet year it just quit. I've been told that the roots go as deep as the height and it that's true it probably has hit the well water which is salty and drank itself to death with the salt content and no amount of rain water is going to compensate for that. I'm going to leave it up at least for awhile as it's a good view point for the birds to watch for predators.
The river is crazy. Just when I assumed I'd made it through the flood stage it's risen five feet in the last 24 hours. While the snow pack is half of what it was it's still 554% above last year at this same time and now we have three to four more days of mid 90s temps to melt what's left. This morning the water is about six feet from flood stage.


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