Sunday, January 7, 2024

Saturday Jackson Hole

When Curtis and his brother took part of the herd out of Jackson a week or so ago they saw four or five run into the tamarisk but thought they got the rest. Since then five or six cows have wandered into the property and we pushed them out the other side. He knew he was missing one cow that was red with horns and another had gotten stuck in the river mud, died, eventually bloated and floated away. He didn't know if there were anymore down there so while Curtis took another bunch down Lockhart Jax and I got on the side by side to go find out what was left in Jackson Hole but five minutes into our journey it was cold so we headed back and took the white truck. The road is pretty beat up and I don't really want to take the truck but we did. Curtis horse and dogs are pretty tired also so and some of the cows had doubled back from Lockhard so he was going to have to take them way down Lockhart this time. Twice on the way to Jackson I had to stop and place rocks on steps for the white truck to make it up and each time it took three runs in four wheel drive to get over them. Much of the rest of the road was beat up and last thing I wanted was to get a flat way down there and hike back. I took four headlamps just in case. We saw no fresh tracks until we crossed the pipeline and then we saw some going straight into the tamarisk. When we got back there we came up behind four black cows staring down a trail into the river trying to decide if it was worth the risk of getting stuck to get a drink. Jax chased em away from the river and went crashing into the tamarisk.

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