Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Kobae, Jax, and I, Do Hurrah Pass

It was a beautiful day as they nearly all have been despite it being the rainy season. I was caught up on the day's goals so I opened Kobae's gate a little earlier than usual and he headed down the driveway. I got my stuff, camera, canteen, head lamp, walkie, gloves, and a book to read and we all three headed down the driveway. Kobae turned left at the Base Camp sign and Kobae, Jax, and I headed for our journey up Hurrah Pass.
Kobae took a break about a third of the way up, that means an hour later, so Jax and I found some shade as the clouds had gone away and the temps turned to 80ish. While we were there 8 bicycles riders on the way up Hurrah and six or so side by sides on the way down crossed in front of us about the same time and nobody noticed us 20 feet off the road. Then off again.
Six or eight vehicles, some going up, others down, all interesected at about where we were hiking and between looking at Kobae and the black truck that is still down in the canyon two weeks later it was a traffic jam. I couldn't even think of taking a picture of the bedlam trying to keep Kobae from getting run over or going off the cliff until they were all gone.
Kobae is so slow that Jax learned to get a couple hundred feet in front of us, find shade and wait for us to catch up.
As we approached the top of Hurrah Pass, with the shadows growing long no way we're even make it a little way back down the pass for home before it got dark so I walkied my grand son Thomas and ask him if he'd bring the laundry truck up Hurrah to help me load Kobae for the journey back down. When he arrived I had him escort Kobae the last few hundred feet while I moved the truck for the best place to lift him in the back and took a picture of the Hurrah sign, into the sun. About three and a half hours after departure we reached the top of Hurrah Pass.

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