Friday, August 19, 2022

Things are Different

The Desert Willow bloomed a week or so later than it always does. Kobae has gone out hiking four of the last five nights and he doesn't usually start that until the very end of August and the rainy season got here a month early.
Earlier in the year we had some concerns as to where the fox have gone. Was a bobcat taking them or something else. We had changed up where we put the hot dogs and something made them very scare. I took the feeing back over to the way things use to be and we do not have a fox shortage now. I'd say ten or more of them show up every night and with guests one night we watching a fox get three of them in it's mouth before heading out and apparently all the other foxes saw that also because it's a way of life. There are six to ten raccoons including babies every night. Five ringtails, four are babies and baby skunks running all over the porch. Last week we had a couple 70 hot dog nights but three or four nights ago we smashed the old record of 100 hot dogs in a single night with 115.

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