Monday, December 30, 2019


On Saturday I had three vehicles of guests and Kathy who will watch the place occasionally all leave together. I didn't know how the rock garden part of the trail would be on this side of Hurrah at the bottom because the sun never hits it for the next month or so and once it gets run over a few times it ices up so I volunteered to lead everyone to town. I didn't have any problems going through but each vehicle after that took about 15 to 20 minutes of combined effort from everyone a little pushing here and there and Kathy had some traction slide sort of things we slid under the tires of the distressed vehicle and Mike did some digging with a small shovel and sat on the back occasionally to give the vehicle some weight.

One and a half hours later we all finally reached the top of Hurrah Pass just 2.7 miles from the lodge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Had a great time for my first visit to Base Camp including the adventure of getting home after the snow storm. It is a special place you have there Tom and I look forward to returning - Kathy