Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Some Stuff

While the movie consumes most of our lives there are other things going on. Duke, the director and location manager's dog has been banned from the inside of the lodge because he eats everything. He was next door at catering a few days ago and the guys told me he was sitting on the couch watching TV when they walked in and immediately jumped off the couch and ran outside like he was in trouble. A little while later when they came back inside he was on the couch watching TV again and once more ran away. I mentioned it to Amy and she said "I hate that. All he does is watch TV. We put him outside and he watches through the windows.

We've been lucky on the snow melt with temps in the 70s for weeks. Yesterday went to 88, today 89, and then a couple more high 80s. If we're going to get flooded, this is the week.

Gee I hope Linny doesn't get spoiled from all this attention. As soon as her scene is over or they take a break there are people all over here catering to her every whim. During one of the breaks I went over in the shade and laid down to get some sleep and when I looked across the finger I saw this.

Then I heard one of them say "Why aren't we in the shade?" and they all moved over next to me.

I have to say Linny is hanging in there doing her work at the lodge, then going to shoot or working for the movie company on errands. Normally I sleep on the floor in the office and Linny either in a tent or the new hogan over the hill with some of the crew. It's tiring work.

It's been close to a month since I've seen a ringtail. I miss them.

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