Sunday, February 12, 2023


I hear there is a football game somewhere today. Jax and I will probably miss it. We have places to go, around Base Camp, little people to see. The hybrid did not show up last night, at least now while we were outside so no picture of it yet. Jax and I headed down the creek to the beach. Any sign of the deer was gone. The kayaks were left right side up when winter hit and they got water inside them and then it froze making them pretty heavy so got em tipped over to drain. 46 degrees today. It's nice so hopefully they are draining.
Ice is starting to melt here and there up on the Anti-Cline. Dangerous place to hike this time of year. Water and snow got down in the cracks behind the rocks and froze. The ice expansion pushed all the cracks a little wider. The rocks didn't fall because the ice gripped onto it. But soon, beginning over the next 30 days or so when the ice melts it will let go of the rocks and it will be gravity's turn.
Awhile back Jax and I were out hiking to the east of the property and saw a bunch of white on the rocks. Generally out here that means a spring somewhere with a lot of salt in it. Jax and I had some time so we went to investigate and see if that pronouncement held up.
There was water dripping out of the rocks and had created a pool of water. Jax and I took the creek bed back.

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