Friday, October 28, 2022

Rock Fall

Guests are finally getting out to be able to leave only to return 15 minutes later to say there is a rock fall blocking the road. A few hours later the county makes it out and removes the rock fall. It's close to 4 or 5pm by the time folks are able to get out to return home.

Jax and I, Our Turn

Sunday night I had one check in left. Rain was coming and not done with us yet. I saw headlights coming down Hurrah Pass and right when I got to them to have them follow us to the north side it started hailing and when we pulled down the driveway it was a white winter wonderland. They followed us next door, I gave them the basics and then headed back for the lodge before the north side creek washed out. I was relieve to see it was still there and the creek hadn't cut into the road. At that moment the road collapsed and the front two wheels dropped into oblivian. I tried backing up and going forward but the front wheel had fallen in deep enough we were high centered. As I looked out the window of the truck I could see the water intensity picking up. The wash out was getting wider and deeper and if we didn't get out of the truck now and it fell anymore we wouldn't be able to open the doors so Jax and I bailed. I called the lodge and ask Teresa to bring me more tow straps but then realized the creek was washed out over there also and she wouldn't be able to get here so I called the Conso and ask them to come to pull me from that direction but by the time they got here the washout had increased in size and there was no recuing the truck. Then Jax jumps inside tired of getting hailed on and I have to lean in the truck to get him out thinking its going away at any second but I get him out and he jumps right back in again and one more time I have to get back in the truck to pull him out. The truck moves slightly. We're out. I close the door and see this below me.
Within five minutes it's twice as deep and the water twice as fast. Everyone was working to get tow straps on it but it was too late. It was going to go away. I told everyone to forget the rescue effort and it was at the mercy of the storm. Maybe it will be here in the morning and maybe not. I doubted it. I walkied the lodge and said I was catching a ride to the house which had gone vacant earlier in the day and Jax and I stayed there. In the morning at first light we hiked back to the lodge and not expecting to see the truck. It turned out the creek got deeper but didn't get any wider so the truck was straddling the creek with the front bumper holding on just barely.
It was late in the day before finding away around the deep creek washout and getting back to Base Camp.

Disc Tournament Time

We got rain off and on every day. Three times the driveway flooded though not very bad but still enough to have to shovel the driveway once or twice most every day to be able to get to the north side of the property. With each rain the creek crossing the driveway got a little worse on the north side.
When the tournament ended on Sunday the driveway filled up with water again so we waited an hour or so and was able to get everyone out that wanted to leave that day.

Kobae, Jax, and I do Hurrah Pass

It's going to be a bit of a slow day so when Kobae heads down the driveway Jax and I are ready to go with him.
I'm glad we got to go on one more long hike as time is running out before dropping him off in San Diego for the winter. He's a snowbird.
I look at Base Camp as Linny, Kobae, Jax, and I are the originals. Jax not as long but still been here a long time. I think about the Kobae night in the river and how exhausting it was and I can get tired just thinking about it. Then the Sunday of Linny's storm and how she almost drown twice getting swept away. It reminded me a bit of Jaws. Where he survives the attack but then loses a relative to one somewhere else. What does mother nature have in store for Jax and I. We should be extra careful.
On the way back my legs cramped up. I coul hardly move them between the thighs and ankles to the point I couldn't keep up with Kobae.


Another Tesla and a Camaro.
The creed bed gets wider every time it rains. Less than a month ago the trees were right up against the embankment. The disc trails get washed away every time going in and out of the creek.

Sonnia and Hunter Creek

The reason Linny was out in the rain the day of the Linny storm was we had a lady from town come out to help us named Sonnia. Linny escorted her through Kane Creek to make sure she was good getting to town and then took off back to the lodge to try and beat the storm. It didn't work out not quite making it back in time. As it turned out Sonnia had a similar issue sleeping on this side of Hunter Creek. It took her 14 hours to get back as Hunter Creek flooded. The is the water going over the top of the bridge at Hunter Creek.

Moab 240

The foot race Moab 240 came through again this year and we were the rest stop first aid station at the 33.8 miles mark about 13% through the race. Somebody won it in about 58 hours this time. Four miles an hour for 60 hours.


Linda drove all the way from San Diego to pick up Linny. She'll be rehabbing in San Diego over the winter. She's too beat up to work here and healing is going to be awhile. Apparently she's healing a little as she's working on her Jeep a bit.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Thursday, October 13, 2022


Before the storm Kobae, Jax, and I got a little hike back towards Skinny People.
Raccoons hung out on the back porch and when I walked out in the morning I found this.
Beach isn't coming back very fast, still looks like this.
Actually got four chapers read in a new book. Kobae has been mostly cooperative on the hikes since the near drowning. Unfortunately we have about a month left before time to take him to San Diego and drop him off for the winter. He's been much more sociable wandering around the lodge hanging out with people and going down both porches to see who is here.

The Boat Ramp Kayaks

These four kayaks didn't get pulled back up on the boat ramp so when the storm came it took the three on the right and they are down river somewhere. Guests grabbed the double yellow and hauled it back to the boat ramp before it left. The single yellow has since been collected by Tex's Riverways and I'll pick it up next time in town. The two new ones are unknown.

The Driveway just below the Lodge

The road/creekbed is exceptionally wide now. A drop off to the turn next door to Last Hurrah and loader work on a washout on the road going to the north side of the property.

Here's the Truck

Linny was trying to get to the driveway before the water did and despite the windshield wipers going full blast she couldn't see. Was off the road and beat up this rock.

Here's the Damage

This is the start of the driveway by the Base Camp sign where Linny crossed but it had three to four feet of water in it at the time.