Thursday, July 23, 2015

Maybe a Happy Ending

The new really small Gray fox is driving me nuts. All night within a few hundred feet of the lodge it goes around with it's clearing it's throat growl. I can't get a good night picture of it. Last night I went out and fed the small ringtail some hotdogs in the rafters and I could hear the fox a hundred feet or so straight out from the front porch. Then in the distance, out towards the front gate (well really the only gate now after the floods) I hear a high pitched bark, then the small fox growling picks up, then the pitch bark. I can tell they are closing on each other. The growl and bark come at a quicker rate and it appears mother and child are reunited as I can hear the tone pitch with each and then for the rest of the night silence. It appears for the last week the small fox has been without it's parent(s) and lost before it was quite ready. We shall see tonight but it looks like we might have a happy ending. Was a pretty neat end to an evening.

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