Sunday, March 16, 2014

Changing of the Guard

With morning Tom to the front porch and last night's cat food is untouched. With guests in rooms or campers every night the spotted skunk, ring tail, gray fox, badger and creatures of winter have begun to fade. As Kobae sleeps on the front porch Tom looks up and for the first time this year he sees two side-blotched lizards in the exact places that he finds Who's Up and What's Up each spring. Coincidence or not Tom believes this is the third year they have reappeared with the arrival of Kobae.


cyn said...

Now all is right with the world except for Linny. Easter break?

Tom said...

I pick Linny up next Wednesday for ten days or so. Can hardly wait. Place is full, just crazy full of people until after the disc golf tourney on the 5th and 6th and then finally on the 7th, maybe a day off if you call cleaning seven rooms a day off.

Tom said...

Wednesday next week.

Unknown said...

About time you were running hard. Way to lazy of a winter for you. Good to hear the lodge is full and your entourage shall be complete shortly. All that cleaning is Karma for teasing all the Kobae neighborhood watch women with your charm.