Friday, November 25, 2022

A Few More Things

Kobae is still here. He's usually gone by the middle of November but the truck I"m taking him in, the 250, affectionately called The Beater, had more damage than we thought when Linny crashed a month or two ago in the storm of all storms. Temps are in the 40's so he's only once gone on a hike and fortunately I caught him as he wss heading for the creek that takes him to the beach and I do not want to go through that again. He mostly stays on the porch trying to stay warm and sleeps in the laundry room as I sealed his house off. He chases a dog now and then, humps the stairs, doesn't eat much like he did when it was hot out.
When Jax got his stitches they were sticking out a little on his chest and every time he laid down on a couch, his bed, whatever, they would rub and he would think he had something on him. He was crazy for about three days running around thinking he had something on him. They gave us directions how to take the stiches out after a couple weeks. I put him up on the desk and Teresa went to cut the first stitch and he yelped like he was badly hurt. A day or two later Lydia and I took him to the Vet Clinic in town. I walked in and ask if they had time to remove some stiches. The guy said bring him in. I picked him up, walked through the door and the guy said "Where's the stiches?" I said "Where my right hand is." He said "Move your right hand." I did and less than five seconds later he said "Ok, you can go." Jax never noticed and neither did I.
Lance and Doug got the dock back up out of the river but it still has a hole in it somewhere so won't be going back in the river until that is figured out.
Most nights we've had three ringtails but a few nights ago we had four. There were five originally this year. Last night another smaller than all the others showed up. It's all confused. I saw it running around in the bushes instead of on the poles and it's coming out during the day time. He's hard to see in this picture but he's there.
I don't think I've ever hated anybody, with one exception. Back in the early 70's as the bulk of my company was getting ready to go to Viet Nam we saw Jane Fonda on tv, sitting in a North Viet Nam gun placement pretending she was firing at American planes. We pledged to make it back, along with many thousands of others so when Jane Fonda died we could pee on her grave. I've been fearful that she would live longer than me so many years ago I peed in a container and kept it on a shelf high in the office for the right time in case I died before her and my daughter promised she would deliver it should shat happen. I saw an article a few days ago that Jane Fonda has cancer and is not expected to live much longer. I looked up on the shelf and it's still there with a taped note on it saying "My gift to Hanoi Jane." Somebody must know there are thousands of us that took that pledge and I expect any grass in the surrounding area will be dead in 48 hours so they're probably gonna have to get tricky with her final resting spot. But there will be no rest for Jane.

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