Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Settling In

 Kobae has assumed his customary position guarding the front door. Still surprising people that drive up to check the place out, play disc golf, or use the bathroom. I hear a scream once or twice a week followed by "I didn't know it was alive."

The days are mostly warm. Had three days of 80s in a row. Usually don't put the air conditioners in until June but way it's going will be sooner this year.

Most every day is about as full as we can get it. Since I have a two day minimum stay someone might rent the 1st and the 2nd and somebody else the 4th and 5th and the 3rd never gets rented because of the minimum two nights. That and a cancellation because of the road now and then, though it's in wonderful shape compared to the usual.

The two new kayaks finally made it down to the beach. Starting to hear tour boats go by now and then. Water is rising a little. The boat dock was about four feet above the water and it's probably two or three now. Sand bars are a little further from shore every day.

Jax was sitting in the office, face looking out the window, watching the parking lot, hoping for a rock squirrel to head for a vehicle. Suddenly he's gone. Some people, and probably rightly so, think the white trash can in the kitchen is for trash but it's origins really come from Jax. He'd be heading down the hall way to teach the outside rock squirrels a lesson and when he'd hit the slick kitchen floor he'd crash into the wall so I put the trash can there to cushion his collision with the wall. Jax hits the parking lot and pins the squirrel up in a vehicle engine. The guests are out hiking and won't be back for awhile and the hood isn't released so Jax waits for two hours under the car for the guests to get back and before they can hardly raise the hood Jax is in the engine trying to get the rock squirrel.

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