Saturday, March 30, 2019

Stuff, Lot of It

In the search for places for people to die I took the guys running the show out to Land of the Skinny People and Thousand Eyes. I didn't realize all the stuff they had to carry to the filming location. They were talking about another movie about the making of The Canyon Lands and it would feature how many people died carrying equipment to the locations I had for them.

Linny's part has ballooned. Originally she was just going to have two scenes but it's been rewritten a couple times and she's turning into a memorable part of the movie. Didn't have nothing to do with me. They ask me if I wanted to be in the movie but the cameras look pretty expensive and I'd hate to break one of them.

Base Camp is busy. April of last year was the highest income month ever but this month will beat that and next month will beat this month and since the movie people have taken every room and part of Last Hurrah for most of May it will beat April. We're busy. Michelle is putting is memorable hours every day and there is constant traffic at the lodge.
Handlebar came through doing the Hayduke. Love Hayduke people.
Mother Nature dropped by a couple of times to show the movie people what they can expect in the way of sunsets in May.

The movie people did a lot of camera testing to include a drone with a camera on it.
Looking like a record year for Haydukers coming through as Veronica showed up last night and left this morning. I hope they all come through in the next few weeks because you don't want to be in the Grand Canyon for July or August.

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