Sunday, July 2, 2017

Sunday Evening Hike

It was suppose to get to 100 today but at 3pm it was only 90 with good cloud cover so Jax and I got about three and a half hours of exploring in today. At least once a day he climbs up something I didn't think he could do, and he does it with ease. Twice today in a place we hadn't hiked before we had two difficult climbs up a pretty steep face and I figured I was going to have to help him. As I neared the top I turned to see if he was coming but didn't see him. Then when I continued up I saw him at the top looking down and waiting for me. On one difficult straight down I knew he couldn't make it and when I got to the bottom before I could turn to help him he leaped on my neck and back and jumped down from there.

1 comment:

cyn said...

Smart cookie. He is a desert dog.