Saturday, June 13, 2015

Mystery Solved, Twice

Why was there dirt on the camera?

1 comment:

cyn said...

Two lizards adopted us this past winter; I couldn't help but think of you. One we found Christmas morning under a gift. It stayed in and around the plants in the bay window until we caught him in April and turned him loose outside, eating those gnat-type bugs I guess. He wouldn't touch anything we left for him. I put water out from time to time.
Another one zipped in the front door about 20 feet away in March, and we saw it in the same window a day or two later. We caught it in April also and set it loose outside. I have since seen a couple in the bromeliads outside the front door, but no more inside! Since we bomb the house and kill roaches, I was concerned, but they survived in the window fine.