Friday, June 12, 2015

A New Level of Confused is Born

Since the heavy rains of last fall the water pour off has made it look like the driveway up to Base Camp is the main trail versus the one going out to Jackson Hole. It's no longer unusual for 10 plus vehicles a week to pull up the driveway and see it's a dwelling and turn around. Maybe once a week someone will drive right by the lodge, even with me standing on the porch, and up the trail to the dead end at the hogans before they figure it out and turn around. On this day a new level of confused is born. I heard the side by side coming and stepped out on the porch to see them drive right by not even slowing down. Up the trail, to the lower hogan, and then drive around it where no road or tracks exist and disappear. I head up the hill and they're 100 feet down the hill almost to the big drop off that would take them into the river. If swearing is a problem for you, click out. I start yelling at them, crazy yelling. They panic trying to find a way back up without having to get anywhere close to me. The side by side is high centered, then leaning and almost rolling over, free again and then high centered on a rock that is about to roll. They are done and about to die. They both jump out and are pushing against the side by side to keep it from rolling over. They can't move or the side by side rolls down the hill and probably into the river. I smile and walk back down the hill, get something to eat, brush my teeth, see what's on TV for later, grab the GoPro, and then drive the truck up the hill just as two of their friends show up. This is what happens next.

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