Monday, February 4, 2013

Two Days of Reflection

Tom's right shoulder feels a little better today probably because his left shoulder hurts from throwing 200 tennis ball left underhand throws to Paris over the weekend. Tom's theory is there's only a certain amount of pain to go around and since today's is evenly distributed between shoulders, the right one feels a little better. Tom begins his Monday hike following the river.
Tom finds big horn tracks, then scat, then a semblance of a trail. Despite two days of reflection on last week's accident, like Kobae to romaine, Who's Up to a fly, Tom veers off the river course and begins following the big horn trail eventually coming to a potential ending in a canyon. It's possible Tom can climb out. It's possible Tom could repeat last week's stupidity. Uncharacteristically and to his own surprise he takes a fairly easy descent back toward Base Camp.


cyn said...

Climb? Thank goodness no.

Tom said...

Hi Cyn, I know. I was surprised. I was still eyeing a way out while my feet were walking down the canyon. Apparently despite what the brain (or lack of) wanted to do, the body wanted no part of it.