Saturday, January 19, 2013

Saturday Round Three: Sharp-shinned

The Sharp-shinned switched strategies today. Tom would walk out and chase it off. It would go 50 feet and land, get chased off, go 50 feet and continued doing that until it found a place where Tom wouldn't pursue it. The Sharp-shinned was correct. There is a place where it can land within view of the lodge and Tom will not pursue. Tom won't pursue across the river, at the top of the cliffs, high in the rocks, above the hogans......and by the end of the day the Sharp-shinned had tested the limits of pursuit on 20 or so occasions and knew where it's safety zone was and that's where it stayed, within view of the lodge, too far to be chased, but close enough to do damage if it got the opportunity.There were always a few songbirds high in the bush, Cottonwood tree, or Desert Willow watching the Sharp-shinned while the songbirds on the ground would run out grab food and run back into the bush. It was a miserable day for the songbirds.

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