Thursday, June 29, 2023


Jax and I still hike almost every day after 5pm or so to let the heat break some. Still mostly in the 90s but 100s is coming.
Critter feeding (little people), raccoons, skunks, ringtails, and foxes takes place every night at 10pm or so on the front porch. Still not a lot of babies from the night people. I see tiny Colordo chipmunks, rock squirrels, and white tailed antelope squirrels everywhere and as well there are small house finches following parents around trying to get them to feed them and the parents rebuff them telling them there is food everywhere as I still feed all of them at three locations around the lodge every morning before 7:30am. But not the night people yet. No babies. One small ringtail gets three or four hot dogs each night so she's pregnant, three or four baby skunks come up and get lots of hot dogs I assume taking them back to their mother who born them last yeat and a couple of raccoons take a lot of hot dogs and drain all the Kit Kaboodle bowls so babies are coming but not here yet. No foxes the last two nights but they don't like a bright moon so to be expected.
In previous years I've kept Kobae's gate open during the day but it was time consuming going out to check on him all the time so this year until he comes out around 3pm or so I keep it closed and he doesn't seem to mind. Sometimes I open it, he comes out, looks around for awhile and then goes back in until feeding time. This year we've limited his greens to keep him from getting diarhea and the grocery bill has gone down. Four romaine, four cucumbers, four green peppers, and sometimes some carrots. At his past pace if he lived to be 80 he would have cost roughly another $250,000.

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