Friday, April 26, 2019

Monday Hikes

On Monday Jax and I took a guest, Tom, yes Tom, to the Fingers to spend a little time looking for ways up on top to get some of the shots they need from above.
In the afternoon another guest, Melanie called for a ride back from the Wind Caves. When Jax and I picked her up I ask how many caves she saw and she said "One." That ain't right. She was at the wrong part of the rock formation so we flipped a side by side u-turn and headed for the Wind Caves. Was the first time I've climbed to the top in in months and what is normally an easy climb I was so out of shape I was out of breath at the top. That's embarrassing.

Some folks had ask me about having a wedding at Last Hurrah but I declined. They're too much work and there's nothing in it that we wouldn't have gotten already. Still I worked a deal to let them stay there three nights. I saw a parade of vehicles coming down the pass not long before sunset. Three miles away I could hear yelling and the like so I drove down to the bottom of the hill and waiting in the drive way to make sure the wedding party knew the rules.

When everyone was clear on the rules the bride to be said of the 18 people that showed up all around 20 and some change years old that nobody there even drank and it turned out to be the case. They were no issue at all and really nice people.

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