Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Kobae to Hurrah

It's the monsoon season but so far looking like Kobae and I might escape the disasters of last year as the season winds down. As we're heading up to Hurrah apparently, Kobae decides, the sky isn't looking bad and the weather report says "mostly showers with a slight chance of rain." Without taking even a slight break we're two thirds of the way up Hurrah. When the bad storms come from the east, west, or north I see them coming and we have time to take action. When they come from the south over the hill or Anti-Cline our time is limited and the Sep/Oct monsoons come from the south. We're only a few hundred yards from the top of Hurrah when Johnny calls on the walkie talkie and says "Looks like it's going to be a bad one." I see some dark sky to the west but nothing really ugly. Still Johnny can see what's coming up the river and I can't. Time to turn Kobae around. Now it's going to be a race against the storm and on my team is a one mile an hour tortoise.

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