Thursday, October 16, 2014

Ode to Kobae by Linny and Tom

We lost the first verse somewhere but the second and third work out fine. Linny and I hiked up Hurrah part way with Kobae again and then half way up he changes direction, changes again, one more time, then veers off the road. Kobae worked hard to get back before dark but we saw his eyes were starting to water so we took a shade break where Linny gave him a mud bath to cool down quicker. Linny picks up trash all up and down the road and has a back pack full of vehicles screws, bolts, fender pieces, and beer cans.

1 comment:

cyn said...

Catching up on posts -- been in AR and out of internet access except on new phone. Great weather; too busy with unexpected projects. She surely is growing up.