Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cliff Hanger and Captain Ahab (Virtual Hike)

Craig and Tom hike Cliff Hanger (1st, 2nd, and 5th video) and Captain Ahab (a bike trail, 3rd and 4th videos).


cyn said...

That's really a trail"? Even the bike trail appears terribly rugged. I lost the blue arrows when you came over that last ridge.

Tom said...

Craig and I while hiking it thought perhaps it would have been better named than Capt Ahab. Perhaps Marquis De Sade. I'm a decent motorcycle trials rider and I don't think I would have taken my trials bike on that trail. We only hiked half of it so sometime in the next week or so I've got the rest to do.

cyn said...

Definitely agree! Look forward to seeing the next half. Haven't seen Kobae; hope he is still hiking.