Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Broken Leg

Kobae has been struggling standing up on a rear leg. Today Tom got him to a Vet hospital for an Xray and he does in fact have a broken leg. No idea how it might have happened. Six weeks is the average healing time.


cyn said...

Ouch for the Man! Is there anything to do for him?

Tom said...

They said six to eight weeks is the healing time. It's not out of place so should grow back together. However, we're looking at an Xray from back in March when he got checked out before coming out here and it looks like he may have had it then but we're not sure. The Xrays then were looking for under the shell issues. Once he's walking it's hard to tell but he has trouble standing up when he puts pressure on that foot.

Serena said...

Poor Kobae. Such a good Tom to look after him! :)

Tom said...

Ahhh shucks thanks. He stood up yesterday, May 3rd three times without his leg giving out so seems like he's getting better a little anyhow.