Friday, March 2, 2012

Special One

On the front porch last year a Side-blotched lizard who when Tom swat a fly would run to the sound and wait for the fly to fall. In time she ate off the fly swatter, free fell off the top of the roof once, the porch ceiling twice, land on the fly swatter, to get the fly before the others. Side-blotched have previously shown up end of March. Today, as Tom is filling up water jugs he sees two small clawed feet sticking up behind the folded up green lawn chair the Special One used to sleep behind on warm summer nights. Tricked, as Tom was by the previous warm weather to think winter was over, she came out early, and is now frozen, still clinging to the wall. Tom brings her into the lodge but she shows no movement. After a few minutes her eyes open and she begins to stir. In half an hour she's warmed up and ready to go. Go to the blog for September of 2011, find the post labeled, "Class, Pay Attention" dated Sep 19, 2011, you'll find previous mention of the Special One.

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