Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Twice in the last month floods have wiped out the drive way and sheep pen. 100 pound trash cans of corn were also swept away each time. Now, behind the sheep pen, stalks of corn are sprouting up everywhere.

Observant Kobae

Kobae Heads Up Hurrah

Friday, September 24, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wednesday Rain

Jessica, Mike and Tom take cover during a rainstorm, first just before Land of the Skinny People and then again right after Thousand Eyes.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Kobae and Tamarisk

If the tamarisk is high and hard to get, Kobae wants some. If it's right next to his face, not interested.

Monday Evening

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Moment

Two side blotch lizards (purple blotch just behind and under their front legs) have ruled the front porch all summer. They have survived hanging on the front wall waiting for flies to show up. One adapted to hanging low on the wall, (dangerous if the whip snake comes by) almost on the porch, and if he hears the sound of Tom with the fly swatter, he runs to that area and cleans up. Most impressive a young side blotch that showed up a month or so ago. He plays with fire every day, hanging around Kobae while he eats and watching for any flies that land. A wrong move, Kobae steps on him, it's over. Today, he has watched from the shadows, not tempting fate. Seconds after Kobae is gone, he blends into the leftovers and waits for the moment.

Nothing Left To Invent

After going through numerous cameras, this is the one (or suppose to be). The Fuji Finepix XP10 is suppose to be waterproof, cold proof, dust proof, and Moab proof, and all for about $125. Tom shall find out quickly no doubt. In the background, is the last thing that was invented that was worth a crap, the hot dog cooker. Put your dogs in, and the buns, and one minute later, cooked hot dogs on toasted buns.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

You Broke the Rock

Baby Leopard

As Tom and Kobae leave for their hike Thursday, Tom, is still disappointed with himself he didn't get the camera out quick enough yesterday to take a picture of a baby Leopard. Who knows if he'll ever see one again. Moments later, one runs out on the trail.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Baby Collared

Baby Big Horn

As Kobae and Tom are leaving the lodge for their hike a baby Leopard lizard runs across the road, the first time Tom's ever seen a baby Leopard. It occurs to Tom he's never seen a baby Collared lizard either which is the largest lizard in these parts even larger than the Leopard. Then he realizes he's never seen a baby Big Horn either, he's seen one and two year olds, but never a baby. As Kobae turns off the road and heads towards the Anti Cline, a baby Big Horn runs by them.

Shade For One, Again

Kermit and Kobae Hanging Out

Heading Home From The Wind Caves

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Courtesy of Wally

Good Timing

Tom has just gone through camera #9 in his three plus years at Base Camp. Two are in the Colorado River, one down a ravine off the Big Horn trail, and six set in the upper right hand drawer of the desk, that if you shake them right, or pound them on the desk enough, the lens might open all the way, might take a few pictures, might take a video, unless you push the button to make it closer, and are all unknown if they will function until the moment happens. So getting Wally's email today of pictures taken while he was here is perfect timing. Courtesy of Wally.