Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Only three hikes with Kobae so far and in each of the three it's been a battle to get him to turn around. Sometimes I have to ask for a second person as I'm tired trying to turn him. Eventually we have to pick him up and put him in the back of the truck.

Friday, September 20, 2024

The Best of News

The county grades the room about once a year. Usually around late October to middle of November just as the season starts to fade benefitting not a lot of guests but for whatever reason they are grading it now and the east side coming up Hurrah looks sweet. Be back Monday the 23rd of September working their way down the west side.


Lots of guests in the river most every day.

Chicken Corner Sign

Not the most stuff it's ever had on it but getting better.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Creek

The amount of water coming down the creek in the last storm changed a lot. Trees that use to be on the embankment now there is no embankment so they are in the creek.The basket on the Hurrah disc golf course on 17 is gonna have to be moved as it's current spot is perilous.

Every Day Kind of Stuff

Think we have the entrance of the drive way fixed and hoping by building a big wall on the top it will not wipe us out next rain.
Jax and I are still getting out for short hikes everyday.
I had somebody following me in the dark to next door and then I hear a thump and looked back and saw the lights poined up and sideways a bit. Got it out in the morning.
Most years Kobae come out of his house and heads down the driveway for a couple mile hiked and Jax and I go with him and try and turn him about by dark or call for a truck to come get him. Always starts on Sep 2nd every year. This year however he's been coming over and humping the stairs instead.
I've noticed that my feet feel not balanced out right. Figured it out.
Coming from town Kane Creek got destroyed in the last storm. Eventually San Juan County plowed through making a path and you can see how high the mud is on each side.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Every Day is an Experience

Thomas and I worked on the driveway and got a path worked out to be able to get in and out but it wasn't pretty.
On the north side of the property a 50 foot long ditch opened up in the road.
Everytime I look up at the sky it looks a little dangerous
This is where the road got washed away when Jax and I got stuck with tires on each side of the wash out and a 10 foot deep ditch full of water running under us. Miracle we survived. Roughly two years ago and it happened again but we weren't any where close to it this time.
This is hard to understand. There was and always has been a fence running along the side of the road to next door. The road turned into a river, washed out the embankment, one pole fell off the embankment, got washed down the flood, planted in the flood and ran the fence across the road.
The bowls I put the Kit & Kaboodle in for the critters, two have gone missing two nights in a row.