Saturday, December 21, 2019

Rock Road Work

Hanging the kayaks in the garage is a lot more work than I thought. Some of the handles are weak and needing replacing and some of the rope that they hang from the garage ceiling needs replacing and I have to get them high enough toward the ceiling that the Kymcos don't scrape the bottoms of them when I drive them in filling up the inside of the Kymcos with sand and dried mud. I'm having the kayaks face different directions, different types of rope and knotting them different, experimenting with everything to make it easier and then marking the roof cross beam so I remember what goes where facing which direction. I'm going to need to drive all the vehicles periodically to keep the batteries charged so between math problems with the kayak hanging I took one Kymco out toward Jackson Hole. I remembered hiking down Hurrah last time where I noticed the side of the road built up by hand with big rocks and I remember noticing this on the way to Jackson.

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