Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Hiking with Kobae

After an hour or so Kobae turned into a canyon on the north side of the property. It was hot and Jax and I got in front of him a couple hundred feet where we had some shade. Fifteen minutes later Kobae never showed up. I doubled back to look for him and found his trascks going up on to slickrock where he could have passed above us. His climbing ability is surprising. Then I heard a noise farther up the canyon so Jax and I went that way but never picked up foot prints. We're 30 minutes from dark and Kobae will hunker down once it gets dark and we won't be able to look for him again until the next morning. I called Jesse and ask him to start at the far end of the canyon. Then I doubled back to where we started to see if he went back and exited. I ask Jake to walk along the rim looking down into the canyon. We found him 20 minutes later right where Jax and I waited for him so he much have crawled under a rock or something and taken a break and then continued after I left to go look for him. The three of us then spent the next fifteen minutes fighting him all the way up the steep hill to get him to the truck. Finally Jesse and Jake carried him over the top where we put him in the back of the truck and took him back to Base Camp.

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