Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Story Is......

A few months ago I started hearing critters under the lodge. Then up in the insulation. Then skunk smell in the hallway. Then occasional disagreements. Johnny has been under the lodge putting the insulation back up and fastening it in. On Friday he ran into a raccoon under there and saw it go out a hole the critters had pushed out in the bricks. On Monday I saw a ringtail running through one of the rooms on the back porch where the door to under the house had been left open. On Tuesday Johnny called to say there's another raccoon under the house. Then it went like this....... After mutually agreeing to put some hot dogs over by the hole and having Mike go down also to flush it out, Sarah and I went outside the porch to get some pictures of whatever came out but then this happened...... as of Tuesday morning there was still one skunk down there who sprayed the area and made it a little hard to breathe. Now as of Wednesday afternoon we think the last critter has left and it's safe to go under the lodge again. Maybe.

1 comment:

cyn said...

Never a dull moment -- or odor.