Friday, August 23, 2024

The Nine Minute Storm

At 5:55pm I looked across the Colorado towards Dead Horse Point and swa one of the three nastiest storms I've ever seen coming to see us. One of them swept Linny away and she nearly drown. One of them almost swept Jax and I away and this was the third one. Thomas was working next door and I called him on the walkie to tell him it was gonna be bad. He ask if he should come back and I thought back to the other two times where Linny, Jax, and I nearly died in the Colorado River and suggested staying in place on high ground and let the storm pass over. I thought it was going to take 15 minutes to get here but I was wrong. It was here now. I yelled at Kobae to come inside and he just got blasted. He never blinked or hundered down even when the hail came. He just set there absorbing the blows.
The first wave hit at 6pm and it quitr and at 6:09. The dead tree finally fell over and took a grill with it. Kobae came inside and is sleeping in the laundry room. we had 30 minutes of intense lightning and it was close and loud. Never experienced anything like that. Jax was running all around the lodge wanting to play all excited and crazy. The rainbow was bright.

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