Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Damage of the Nine Minute Storm

The Front Entrance by the Base Camp sign despite all plans and preventive measures Mother Nature wins again.
The turn at the bottom of the lodge driveway that takes you to the north side of the property has significant damage and something I've never seen before and couldn't imagine even how it could happen. The fence that runs along the top of the driveway got wiped out and a fence pole fell into the raging creek, took it 30 feet down the creek bed and planted it. The result was a new fence being strung across the road. I couldn't even begin working on the drop off until I had cut the fence. So strange.
When I woke up this morning to feed the birds I wondered what they would think with their tree that's been there for 18 years is gone but eben with the tree lying on the ground they were in the branches that only were three or four feet off the ground and looking across the river which no longer had a beach was an indication of how much water that nine minutes brought.
The road going next door the water had broken through the dam again and tore up the road but leaving just enoufh to drive around.
The last road to check out was going to the boat ramp which was not bad but the water had risen up the stairs.

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