Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Only about 40 days away from the serious beginning of the season and I've done almost none of what I wanted to do in leisure time. There's so much to do. It's only when I get to the list of things I was behind on during the season that when I go to catch up I find two more things I was behind on and didn't even recognize it. Terribly out of shape so Jax and I have started hiking again.

The big horn herd and the mule deer herd are back. I saw the big horn a couple days ago in the distance behind Last Hurrah. There's been so much rain and snow over the last two weeks they've no need to come drink out of the pond. I'm sure all the pot holes are full. It snows good and then it rains good and all the snow is gone mostly.
Since the mountain lion fight last week the nights are quiet. Six or seven gray fox per night, a family of raccoons every other night, two small striped skunks most nights, and "kitty" the smallest ringtail who is on the pole above the door almost every night. He's so funny and cute. You can give him one hot dog by stick and then he refused to take anymore unless you throw them up to him so he can catch them in his mouth. It's tough to get attached to anything out here because the life span is so short and it's so painful when they don't come back and you know something has happened to them.

This weekend begins construction of the 2nd disc golf course. Doug Smith has been working long on the layout and sending me updated maps every few days. It's much anticipated in the disc golf community and by me as well. If I just count the $5 fee per player it takes nearly 1400 players or round of golf to get the investment back. If they camp a night or two since their are two courses can half that time and if they take rooms sometimes it probably makes sense eventually. For me though, I mostly enjoy the people. Always good people.

As I was heading over to Last Hurrah a couple of disc golfers flagged me down and handed me a walkie talkie they found on the course. I looked at it and thought "That's weird, I only use these walkies for certain stuff, it must have been out there a long time." When I got to Last Hurrah I realized it was one of the walkies from the bobcat night. I turned around and went back to Base Camp but they had departed. I never got to ask them where they found it or did they see a thousand pounds of dead cow out there.

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