Friday, May 24, 2024

The River and stuff

Last year the Colorado River flooded everything and crested at 21.5 feet deep. This year we didn't get nearly the snow fall in the Rockies so I didn't expect much. There was 15 feet of snow in the Rockies but when the heat finally came to the mountains the snow melted fast and has been rising a foot a day and is up to 15 feet. It's on the edge of letting people go kayaking but it went down a little today so I did. They said it was a workout and looked pretty tired when they got back. We had stairs but at the boat ramp where you could get in the water and board the kayak and then one day we didn't and moved the kayaks up the ramp so they didn't get taken. We lost three of them last year when guests left them at the bottom of the stairs, we had a storm and they were gone.
Love the hikes looking down into the river. Quite a bit of traffic in the river now. Kayaks, canoes, tour boats, but mostly rafts.
I have five kinds of lizards. The smallest are the fence lizards. No point in getting to know them. Everybody eats them. Next are the side-blotched lizards who have been my favorites and own the porches. Have a blueish purplish color on their sides. The males go around doing push ups all the time trying to intimidate others who may think about fighting them. The fights are tragic as they are almost always to the death. When I moved here my bedroom window was always open. I didn't know what was out here but I knew if the crickets stopped chirping it was something they weren't familiar with. Then I notice I had less and less crickets as the year went on. I'd get use to one distinctive cricket then wouldn't hear it again. That's because the whip tail lizards who are two lizards grown together over milions of years and who are all female, they clone themselves, even simulating the act, have sensitive bellies and will lay in the dirt until they feel movement in the ground and dig the cricket up and eat it. Seems like there are the most of the whip tail but life is changing. Over the last month or so I've seen three leopard lizards hang out by the garage and when a whip tail wanders they are taken and swallowed by the leopards. Today though is the first time I've seen a whip tail get taken by a leopard and the leopard ran off with it instead of slowly moving it around and swallowing it. Not long after it was gone I saw three more whip tails over by the garage who seemed to be searching for the missing sister.
Back in March when we had the disc golf tournament 127 competitors, 35 on the waiting list and it sold out in 88 seconds. Last weekend a lot of those that didn't make it had their own tournament.
As the sun moves back up this way the saddle of the shadow moves with it.

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