Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Morning of Chicken Corner

Guests walkied from out by Chicken Corner that the side by side wouldn't start. Jesse and Jake took off to go get them or see if they could get the side by side going. Side by side wouldn't start so they brought the guests back. in the morning with family visiting Ze, Tiago (the mechanic) and I headed out with Jax of course early before it got hot.
Waling around the Chicken Corner trail was a bit disappointing on the cother side. There were four or five human poop sites with the toilet paper blowing in the wind.
Tour boat below as we headed back to the disabled side by side.
Tiage put a new battery in the broken side by side and it started right up.
I drove my side by side back and Ze and Tiago took the other one. A low flying plane, silver in color buzzed me flying just a few feet above me and coming up from behind. Ten minutes later it dived right in front of me on a road downhill so close I could read the numbers on the top of the plane wings. When I got back I saw the plane on the runway across the river. When I was over at The Ranch a month or so ago they said James had painted his plane silver and that's why I thought I hadn't seen it in awhile from red and white. When Ze and Tiago got back they said they got buzzed twice also. I emailed James Maybe and said two sets of my guests said they got buzzed by the plane that's over there. I figured that if he emailed me and said they were exaggerating then I would tell him it was me and I'm not exaggerating. He hasn't responded.

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