Thursday, August 10, 2023

Some More August

Right after I posted the previous note on the blog that things will get unpredictable Kobae headed down the drive way and Jax and I were off hiking. Fortunately he didn't go far as Teresa is in New York for the month and Jesse and Jake went up to Salt Lake for a few days so it's me and Jax, and Kobae.
On the days when it's hot which up to now has been most of them Jax and I can't go hiking until Kobae is fed and returned to his pen and then we have to go find a place that is mostly in the shade. East side of the Wind Caves provides some shade. East side of Hurrah Passs.
Besides Kobae the other things that is unpredictable is the weather. Every day the reports says 10% to 40% chance of thunderstorms and one of these days it will hit and the effect are some times devastating.
A couple little sand bars are starting to pop up and Jesse and Jake cut stairs down to the water and tied a rope to hold onto as you get in the water but it's still deeper than it was last year and it almost six weeks past when we usually have a beach.

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