Tuesday, June 13, 2023


Last weei somebody checked in and gave me this as payment.
In the early days I donated to Big Brothers in Salt Lake. As I recall a disc golfer who played here a lot was running the show. When he left so did I. No problem the certificate being 12 years old but the thing that stood out going back and checking is the price for a room in 2011 was $135 per night, two night minimum. Now, 12 years later the price is $135 per night, two night minimum. Collective inflation has been more than 30% since that time. At the lodge profitability is pretty small and getting smaller. Not because of lack of people but expenses have climbed so much and I'm not doing anything much more than I did then.
It's time. On September 1st rooms at the lodge and the male hogan next door will go to $165 with the same two day minimum. The female hogan will go to $185 with the same two day minimum. The female hogan many times we have to provide up to five sleeping bags and or comforters which take quite a bit of time to clean and the female hogan guests burn a lot more fire wood than anywhere else. Though it's the unit that rents the most over the course of a year the profit is not much.
The two houses will stay the same at $425 and $370. The side by side rental will go from $165 to $195 for a 4 hour block of time. I've never had a profitable year with the side by sides and in most years my total losses are a minimum of $5,000 up to almost $20,000 one year and has they age the respairs become more frequent and for larger things. Explains why a six seater side by side in town is now up to $700 per day with a $2,000 deposit. If you've already booked the price stays the same as does the side by side rental but Sep 1st on the price changes are effective.

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